Private school STEMBRIDGE

How it started
Stembridge school was founded in Minsk, Belarus by a group of enthusiasts in the spring of 2018 with a bright mission - to create an educational space where learning would be tailored to the individual needs of students and the development of skills that will be in demand in the future.
Success story
In the short time of our existence in Belarus, we have managed to attract over 400 students, offering various formats of education in the school, including traditional face-to-face learning, individual plans, and online education. Our school managed to achieve significant success in a short period of time: we received state accreditation in the Republic of Belarus, and in 2021 we received international accreditation of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and became the first and only IB school in Belarus.
Revolution of 2020
In 2020, during the protests in Belarus, the school took an active position. We repeatedly supported children and parents who suffered during the illegal actions of the state, provided scholarships, and also provided jobs to teachers who were illegally fired for their civic position.
In 2021, we opened a school in Vilnius, which, as we expected, would become the first school in a network of international schools of a new format. In 2022, the school supported several children and teachers affected by the war in Ukraine. On the April 2024 we moved to a new bigger campus at Nemecinies pl. 48.
Minsk branch Closing
In October 2022, we faced an unexpected challenge when government authorities closed majority of private schools in Belarus including Stembridge. This resulted in the loss of state accreditation and revocation of IB accreditation and, as a consequence, significant financial losses, including the entire educational complex with furniture and equipment, which we built over the course of 5 years.
Mission and Vision
Our school now provides high-quality basic education and creates a unique atmosphere for the development of each child, which is repeatedly confirmed by reviews from parents. In addition, the school plays an important role as a community, helping to maintain community for families who have moved from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. We believe that preserving the cultural heritage and personal characteristics of our students is an integral part of their successful adaptation to a new country. We provide gentle adaptation for children, gradually immersing them in the new linguistic and educational environment of Lithuania and the European Union.

Stembridge School is an approved Cambridge International School, registered to offer education programmes and qualifications from the Cambridge Pathway. We offer the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary programmes for students aged 5 to 14 years.