Discover our interdisciplinary STEM philosophy, bilingual team-teaching classes, and personalized approach!
In the 2025/2026 school year, we are recruiting a unique bilingual 1st grade class using the team-teaching model. Non-linguistic subjects will be taught by two teachers who speak different languages (English and Russian).
Thanks to this teaching model, each child:
• gradually reaches the level of English required for learning while maintaining a good understanding of the subjects
• receives emotional support and care in a language they understand.
Students learn the language not only in English lessons, but also through communication, games, and directly from the environment.
We teach to see the world in all its diversity and interconnectedness. Not only and not so much at the desks! Meta-subject days with modular classes – a modern approach to teaching.
Individualization of development trajectory
All children are different. Our task is to reveal the talents of each student in the learning process. At their own comfortable pace, to help them express themselves and find themselves in order to further develop their strengths.
What is important to us and what underlies our thoughts, decisions and actions:
Freedom and responsibility
To all participants of the educational process: classmates, school students, teachers, the hostess, parents. Respect is shown in intonations and addresses, actions and behavior, no lateness and having completed the task within one's capabilities, mutual assistance and silence, so as not to disturb others while they study.
At all levels: physical (caring for life and health), mental (caring for the brain and intellectual development) and psychological (caring for a comfortable state, a stress-free and anti-bullying environment).
Trust and openness
Learning as a process
It is important for us to be not just a school, but a real family!